Sunday, December 27, 2015

Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?

A referent that has an objective reality beyond the mental construct evoked by its descriptors, cannot be limited to those descriptors. Even in light of Barth's claim that God is unknowable outside of his self-revelation, we must still admit the validity of a lesser yet valid descriptor like "the God of Abraham," which is shared between Christians and Muslims. Consider a simpler example. There is a term used in the Bible, "wandering star," the term for n object which looked like a star but did not follow the ecliptic. Today we know these objects to be planets. Now, if a modern astronomer were to converse with an ancient astronomer and talk about Mars or Venus and its behavior in the sky - though their knowledge about the heavenly body would differ drastically, there would be no doubt that they were talking about the same heavenly body. The situation is no different here with God.

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